Saturday, June 06, 2015

The most bad ass of bad asses

According to the google dictionary, a warrior is "(especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter."  Modern times needs more warriors, especially the bravery part of the equation.  We may not need more soldiers (though that is debatable), but we need more fighters.  I don't mean people who will go beat the shit out of someone (though those are certainly needed to confront those who would beat the shit out of us free men), but people who will stand for the right, stand for freedom, in the face of adversity.

According to the dictionary, a poet is is "a person who writes poems." Thanks, google dictionary, that was really illuminating.  Their second entry is a little more descriptive, defining a poet as "a person possessing special powers of imagination or expression."  That gets to the heart of it, I think.  It is someone who can look beyond what is and see something more, something that could or should be, or even shouldn't be, and someone who can tell the rest of us that those things are possible.  They are inspiring.

So putting these two definitions together, a Warrior Poet would be a brave fighter who possesses special powers of imagination and expression.  He (or she) can fight and think, can stand on the wall and truly express WHY he is standing on that wall.  He is able to imagine a world where he might not have to stand on the wall, but only after all those barbarian hordes or kings who believe they actually have subjects have been vanquished.  Urban dictionary says that these Warrior Poets are "the most bad ass of the bad asses.  The most highly skilled fighters, competitors, warriors, swordsmen, spartans.  No one can trump a warrior poet.  Nobody trains like them.  They do not know defeat and never will.  Their heart, intelligence, and determination are unmatched.  Their will to triumph, persevere, and overcome are the thing of legend."  I aspire to be one of those most bad ass of bad asses.  Maybe you should too.


Blogger Skoak said...

YOU are a "Bad Ass"!!! YOU have earned you "Man Card" and carry it on your sleeve! NOBODY "Rolls harder" than YOU! GET DOWN!!! -- Keef

12:43 AM  

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