Sunday, June 07, 2015

Pioneers! O pioneers!

The unknown future is ever present to all who walk the earth, and it is up to each of us to make our way with that truth staring us in the face, every second of every day.  While we may not all think of it that way, we are all pioneers of our own life.  Even though the geographical frontiers on earth have basically disappeared, there will always be a frontier that each of us forges.  The land frontier is gone, but what bout the depths of the sea?  The ancient city of Heracleion was just discovered in the last decade.  There is more down there, pioneers, I can assure you.  And then there is space, the final frontier, where us humans have still just reached our toes into the abyss.  There is the scientific endeavor, uncovering unknowns with each passing day, year, and decade.  And for all of us, there is Plato's Allegory of the Cave, where we are trapped in illusion and there is something more, just beyond our grasp and comprehension.  That our choices may give us some power to unshackle ourselves, to bring us into the light, makes us all pioneers.  Once again, Whitman may have said it best, so I will leave you with his words from his poem "Pioneers! O pioneers!"


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